Hi! My name is Claire Crawford and I am a fourth year from Midlothian, VA.
I’m majoring in Psychology with a minor in Anthropology and am passionate about
peer education and sustainability! The organizations I’ve been involved in
throughout college have allowed me to serve as an accessible resource to students
in a variety of settings. As an ADAPT Peer Educator, a ULINK Peer Advisor, and a
volunteer with Madison House, I’ve loved being able to interact with the student
body as an educator and helper while building meaningful relationships and
meeting incredible people.
I am thrilled to be working with UVA Green Dining, as I can now combine my
passion for peer education with my passion for sustainability! Ensuring our planet
can continue to do what it was designed to do (i.e produce fresh air, clean water, and
food) far into the future is near and dear to my heart. I’m most interested in how we
can make small changes that are easy to incorporate into our everyday lifestyles. For
example, keeping reusable bags in our cars, choosing reusable to-go boxes at dining
halls and eating plant-forward diets are all simple acts that combined, can make
I’m looking forward to helping students become more environmentally
conscious and aware of how much waste we produce and where it all goes. I can’t
wait to begin brainstorming creative ways to make sustainable day-to-day choices! I
had no idea of how much goes on behind the scenes at UVA Dining and am excited to
spread the word and help the University meet its long-term goals of reducing carbon
emissions by 25% by 2025, reducing water waste by 25% by 2035, and reducing
solid waste by 50% by 2035.
Looking forward to meeting you around dining halls!
Picture from https://sloanreview.mit.edu/article/defining-true-sustainability/